Almost every time I read a new book, see a new movie, see a new band, or get into a new podcast, I gain a new obsession. The most recent book I read is no exception. The book was Kasher in the Rye: The True Tale of a White Boy from Oakland Who Became a Drug Addict, Criminal, Mental Patient, and Then Turned 16, and my new obsession is its author, Moshe Kasher.
I first saw him on Chelsea Lately, and immediately thought he was adorable (those glasses!) and hilarious. He mentioned his memoir, and the title was immediately intriguing. I love a good memoir, and am fascinated by people whose lives were completely different from my suburban good girl experience. I held off on buying it as I already have too many unread books, but locked it away in my mind for a day when I could indulge my book-specific hoarding. I later saw his special on Netflix, and from there my obsession grew. I started watching clips of his stand-up on Youtube, and have yet to find one that hasn't made me laugh.
Months later, I decided to give in and buy his book. I ended up cancelling my plans that weekend and binge-reading the book over two days. The book continuously broke my heart and put it back together. Being familiar with his comedy, I expected him to be able to make me laugh out loud even when describing difficult topics like addiction, his relationship with his deaf parents, and feeling like an outcast. I wasn't expecting to relate to him as much as I did, and as much as I suspect anyone with self-destructive tendencies likely will. My obsession with him was officially reignited.
Over the course of my internet stalking, I came across his podcast: The Champs with Neal Brennan + Moshe Kasher. The premise is a bit ridiculous, inviting a new black guest every week, but it is certainly entertaining. They talk about comedy and other topics, but it's the discussions of women and sex that take place on the show that make it worth a listen. They tell fairly graphic stories that are rarely flattering. However, Kasher and his co-host, Neal Brennan, tell these stories with a self-awareness that keeps them likable.
If you're like me, Kasher's charisma and biting wit will be enough to inspire a crush. His honesty and ability to remain endearing while imparting said honesty will take that crush to borderline-unhealthy levels. Here's a clip of his stand-up to get you started. Happy Stalking!